Duncan Credit

When an accused person is denied bail and they have to wait in custody until their matter is dealt with, this is often called …

The Case for Decarceration

The latest statistics available tell us over 7,400 people were being held in custody in Ontario on average per day. Conditions in jails, including …

Complainant’s Retainer

Most people who think “criminal defence lawyer” think of the lawyer representing the accused. However, we know that complainants (the person who made the …

Record Suspensions

Record suspensions, sometimes referred to as pardons, remove eligible Canadians’ criminal records from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database. The purpose of getting …

Racial Bias in Juries

A previous blog post discussed anti-Black racism and its impact on the criminal justice system (CJS). Juries play an important role in the CJS, …

If you find yourself in need of a criminal defence lawyer, it's important to understand your rights. Contact us to learn more.